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Why learn Spanish through books and tests, if you are living in Spain and you can speak, listen and practise your Spanish at all times?  This is our proposal, learn having fun. Learn in the pub, talking to people, ordering your drink, treasure hunting, speed dating, with fun games that will force you to speak and listen in real life situations. Discover the fun of day trips, and learning about different things and different levels, day trips for beginners, day trip for advance in Spanish, where you will meet people and you will have fun. Come dine and learn with me, if drinking or going on day trips is not your thing, then come to our dinners, and enjoy a more relax way of learning.


Learn while socialising

Your are young, you enjoy a drink or two, and you like talking and getting to know people. We will be learning according to levels, beginners, medium, advance and we will do it, in a pub, through games and activities that will force you to speak and listen, and take part in the action. Check the days, venues, topics, levels and book in advance. Groups of 6-12 people.

Prices from:        5-10 euros per event.

Bar Taps Close-Up


Learn while visiting places

Imagine you like travelling, getting to know places, tasting their food, meeting people. You are wanting to do all of these things and you want to learn Spanish at the same time. We have the perfect learning opportunity for you: day trips. coach, guided tours and dinning whilst learning Spanish for less than you imagine.

Check prices as they vary from 45 Euros for half a day to 120 Euros, depending on destination, meals and proximity. 

Crossing Brooklyn Bridge


Learn while having Dinner

Having dinner is something we all enjoy, having dinner in different places with new people and learning some Spanish in those dinners is something we all will love. If you like chilling, having dinner and talking, this is perfect for you, 4-5 hours of socialising around a nice table, and learning Spanish in small chunks. Go for it, try us and you will be one of our usual suspects from there on.

Prices around 40-60 Euros depending on Food and venue. With learning materials included.

Mexican Dinner


Learning in a Creative Way.

If you like doing things, from painting, arts and craft, dancing, singing, cooking to cake decorating, and also you want to learn a bit of Spanish, or practice the Spanish you already know. Check our offer of workshops in Spanish, based in Costa del Sol, different locations and different levels, from intermediate to advanced. Meet people and get to know some other things while you practice your language. If you do not find the activity you are looking for send us an email and we will try to organise something related to your interests. 

Prices from 40-60 Euros depending on materials and duration of the workshop.  (Around 4 sessions per workshop).

Mexican Dinner
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